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Welcome to the World of Attainable Homes

Welcome to the World of Attainable Homes

Posted by Graeme Maitland — filed in Real Estate Law

You want to buy your first home, but making the down payment is just a giant hurdle.  You’re not alone.  One of the biggest barriers for prospective homeowners is the required 5% down payment.  Finding attainable homes with this barrier is getting harder and harder. The city recognized this and started a program to help people buy their first house by covering part of the down payment.

How does this work?

The program is called the Attainable Homes Calgary Corporation, and its job is to help you buy your first house.  You choose from a list of partnership developments and put forward $2000 as the down payment.  The Program then covers the rest of the downpayment, no matter how big it may be.

You get to live in the home as long as you want.  When you sell it, a portion of the appreciation goes back to the program.  The longer you live there, the more you get to keep, up to 75%.


  1. Either a maximum household income of $90,000/year with dependent children living in the home OR a maximum of $80,000/year with no dependant children living in the home
  2. Assets less than 20% of the home’s purchase price (not including vehicle, RESPs, RRSPs, and pensions)
  3. You can qualify for a mortgage
  4. You complete a home education session
  5. Your home will be your permanent and only residence.

Three Steps to an Attainable Home

  1. Fill out the online application form
  2. Complete an in-person or group information session about the program
  3. Qualify for a mortgage

In an effort to streamline the process, Aarbo Fuldauer has partnered with two mortgage specialists at Attainable Homes partner CIBC to help you get your mortgage all lined up.  Contact Matt Hiner at [email protected] or Khushdeep Dhaliwal at [email protected]or call 403-714-1745.

If you need assistance with buying a home, speak to one of the lawyers at Aarbo Fuldauer LLP in Calgary.

Address: 3rd Floor, 1131 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 3P4

Phone: (403) 571-5120

Email: [email protected]

The information in the blog is not legal advice. Do not treat or rely upon it as legal advice.  If you require legal assistance, please contact a lawyer.
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